martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


Once upon a time, two octopuses, one beautiful, female called Purple and a handsome, male called orange. They loved each other and they lived in a fish tank. One day they were hugging each other, when a horrible man took out the beautiful octopus for cooking. Her boyfriend felt sad and desperate. –“Don’t worry my love, I’ll rescue you”- he said to her, so he jumped out the fish tank to rescue his love. Suddenly he saw the man was taking away to Purple in a track. –“Help me my love”- she shouted. Orange decided to follow him until his girlfriend came back. So, the octopus got in the track and the driver saw him, so they started to fight. The man tried to drop to Orange and he tried to do something for saving hi love. Finally they could scape, the track fell down into the sea –“I won you bad man”- Orange said. Then a big bird took away to Orange but quickly Purple through a rope, jumped through the air and rescued him and got together for the rest of their lives into the deep sea.

This is a narrative paragragh where I had to use my imagination because I created this text from a muted video. And for that reason I had to write dialogues so I learned how to write dialogues in a text.

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